Sales partnership between Macroocean Materials and Lehmann&Voss&Co. for solid polyester resins in Europe

Lehmann&Voss&Co. expands its existing portfolio of binders with solid polyester resins from Macroocean Materials. The MARCOA™ and MARNEX™ product series will be available from March 1st, 2023 in almost all European countries via Lehmann&Voss&Co.

With the new polyester resins, Lehmann&Voss&Co. addresses the constantly growing requirements for the following applications:

  • Coil coating systems for interior and exterior applications
  • Can coating systems for food and non-food applications
  • Packaging materials especially with regard to film and pre-press primers, adhesives and printing inks

Samples of the MARCOA™ and MARNEX™ product series are now available. Please contact your respective customer advisor at Lehmann&Voss&Co. or send an email to surface(at)lehvoss(dot)de.

Contact Person:

Lehmann&Voss&Co. KG
Marcel Krohnen
Head of Business Team Coatings & Industrials
Business Unit Surface Technology
Alsterufer 19
20354 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 40 44197 315
E-Mail: Marcel.Krohnen(at)lehvoss(dot)de